We celebrated
Peyton's 3rd birthday Saturday. He once again, would not eat his birthday cake!
lol....wouldn't even blow out his candles! He was really into
opening his presents though and had a fun time. Boy was he spoiled! I have hidden away a few toys and am going to pull them out slowly over the next couple months.

He got some fun new trucks and golf clubs and this is what he chooses to play with in the backyard!
lol....yep, that is a good ole plastic bag that blew into the yard! Gotta love it!

Of course, I gotta share a picture of Maddy too! One of her favorite spots is on the
boppy pillow on her tummy. She is so dang cute when she pulls her hands under her chin that I had to get some pictures.
Well, I have TONS of pictures from Easter. I'll post them soon! I sure hope to get more scrappy time this week than I did last and then I'll have some scrappy pictures to share!
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