On Monday I drove over to my parents house to run some errands and also carve pumpkins. My parents keep my niece and nephew on Mondays and I thought it would be fun for the cousins to carve pumpkins together.

I wasn't sure what Peyton would do...he hasn't ever really enjoyed carving pumpkins....

Jazzy had never seen the inside of a pumpkin before. She thought it was quite interesting.

I was quite impressed with how well Jazzy cleaned out the inside of the pumpkin and she even did a great job of separating the guts from the seeds!

Peyton stuck his hand in once and took of to go play.
lol...I knew he wouldn't want to clean it out. I'm bummed about the lighting for the pictures. But we had already started when I realized it and didn't want to move everything.

I read on Melonie's blog how she had the kids draw the faces and she would cut them out. I thought that was a great idea. Peyton got a bit carried away with the permanent marker!
So what were the littles doing while I helped the older ones carve pumpkins? Hanging out with Grandpa of course!
My poor nephew...what can I say...he's so stinkin' cute and I'
m sure he's going to hate me one day for this!

His clothes clashed with the pumpkin so we stripped him! :-0

I hope you all have a fantastic and safe Halloween!
Aww, those are all so cute!!!
GREAT pics ... love the pumpkins the little ones made and your nephew is WAY TOO CUTE!!
Super cute photos! Maddy looks so BIG next to your nephew. :-( Love her head of curls.
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