My friend Suzanne shared this site she found called Big Huge Labs. You can upload photos and put them into mosaics and save them. Best of all its free! Check out this one I did from our camp trips. As you can tell I wasn't able to adjust the photos once they were in there, but knowing that now, if I was to print one up, I'd edit the picture before hand so it would fit better! Thanks Suzanne!
I've been slacking off documenting things. I thought I'd do better at documenting them on my blog so I have something to refer back too. Peyton has a few words he says that always bring a smile to my face. Sometimes Chris and I ask him questions just to get him to say them. Instead of yellow he says lellow. Instead of excited he says exkited (uses the 'ka' sound instead of the 's' sound). He calls deer 'buck a deer'. Now for Maddy, she says peep-a-boo instead of peek-a-boo. Skuze ooo instead of excuse me or if your in her way. That one cracks me up. She bumped into Peyton cause he was in her way and looked right at him and said 'skuze oooo' to him. :-)
I haven't had hardly any scrappy time this past week. :-( What time I have had I have been working on Christmas Bazaar items. Maddy also hid my thumb drive containing all my layouts and pictures I had to share. Hopefully it will show up soon!
oh no re: the thumb drive!!! Hopefully it turns up soon!!!!
Documenting is great ... Project 12 nudge nudge, lol ...
I miss those sweet words around here! :) We are in the throws of losing teeth! When Christmas rolls around you will be glad you worked so hard on the sale stuff!
Good luck with sale items!!! LOL at the words...too darn funny:)
That is soo cool!! I love the photo collage!
Glad you liked the site! I plan on doing month by month mosaics for Ayden and putting them in an album as a gift to his parents. :-) Love the photos you used on yours, with the big one in the middle, beautiful!
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