We had a wonderful weekend at the Oregon Coast. We arrived mid afternoon on Friday. Peyton was itching to get down to the beach. Like usual, we left all beach toys at home as well as the kites. Seems like we forget them every time and our collection at home is growing. haha! So a quick stop to pick up yet more shovels and pails and we headed for the beach.
Here Peyton is running out onto the beach as fast as he could. He couldn't wait to start digging in the sand. It was really windy (you can see some sand blowing if you look close enough). Neither Maddy or I could take the cold and wind so we headed back to the car after only a few minutes on the beach. I of course, forgot my jacket, but better mine than the kids!

Check out this shovel! It cracks me up! Its HUGE! We got out on the beach early the next morning (thanks to Maddy waking us all up at 6am).

Maddy was so darn cute. Her little curls poking out underneath her cute hat my mom made and her hand-me-down jacket that is a bit to big for her!

Next on
Peytons list was the Aquarium. He kept asking if we could go there yet. This isn't a typical aquarium. It was in a ship.

It was pretty small. Peyton was quite scared at first as it was pretty dark down there, but once other kids started coming in he thought it a lot more fun and didn't want to leave.

Peyton says the 'fish' were his favorite part of the trip.

We walked along the waterfront. On one of the piers, you could get a good view of the sea lions. They scared Maddy at first, but then the kids couldn't get enough of them.

Man were they LOUD but fun to watch! I was even quite entertained watching them. (below is the pier we were on and the sea lions below it).

I noticed this restaurant had a back deck we could eat on. The kids had a blast and Chris and I had a peaceful lunch! I'll definitely be going back to that restaurant.

Poor Maddy had all she could take. I can only think of a couple times she has fallen asleep like this.

Of course we had to play in the sand.

My parents happened to be at the beach also. My mom called us and asked us to come to the beach near her. It was really neat. Above my mom and Peyton are looking at an anemones.

We also saw and seals. Oh and a dead whale. It was mostly decomposed, but still very stinky and gross!

Peyton LOVED to show his findings to Maddy who would grab them, throw them and giggle!

Here are the two in the hotel room watching a morning cartoon while we pack to go!
Thanks for stopping by!