Some random things from my past few days:
1. When you have a youngster still wearing pull ups to bed in case of accidents, who also knows how to change themselves. Make sure their pull up is out of their pj pants when you wash them. This saves you from a pain in the a$$ mess to clean up.
2. I am thankful for my crafting ability, as it funded my Christmas shopping this year and allowed me to make many gifts instead of buying them.
3. You can never have too much brown cardstock. I'm out. :-(
4. Recommendation: DO NOT clean your oven on the self cleaning mode when you can't open the windows do to the super cold temps outside. I think I can still feel my eyes burning.
5. I am so grateful and thankful for my on-line friends. You are truly the best and I greatly appreciate all your kind comments, thoughts, e-mails and prayers with my Grandpas passing.
6. Three small words can cause two small children to have a HUGE meltdown at this house. They are 'no more chocolate'.
7. Family is so so so important! I am very thankful and grateful for the family I have and the family I married into.
8. Grocery shopping in a small town sucks. Okay, so does most shopping when your looking for a specific item. I have to say, we have some really neat and fun shops that I really like. But when you are on a tight budget and looking for a specific something on someones list it sucks big time. So does grocery shopping!
Now for a project...
I have used every second I can find to work on Christmas a few Christmas gifts. Since some of the recipient look at my blog on occasion, I can't post them! I altered this little photo album thing for my step Grandma. She was married to my Grandpa for 15 years before he passed away. She is such a sweet woman! I thought it perfect for photos she gets from her grandchildren I don't know and the random photos we give her throughout the year.

Thanks for stopping by