Warning, I have lots of pictures to share!
We found a new area to camp this year! I was VERY excited to find out it was only 15-20 min. away from our house. I absolutely LOVED this area and can't wait to go back. Isn't it pretty?

This was an old Ranger barn that is being restored. Boy was it fun to walk through.

We had a nice little creek running by camp,
although its kinda hard to see in the photo.

Here we are all set up. Yep,
thats a little old outhouse behind the truck. Can someone tell me why outhouses had two spots to sit? I find that kinda interesting, who really wants to take a duke when someones sitting right next to you?

Upon arrival, after the trailer is set up, we get to work creating a fire pit and cutting wood for the camp fire.

Peyton is old enough he now helps too. He drug larger pieces of bark to the wood pile.

After working up an appetite we enjoyed some burgers by the fire.

I just loved these overalls on Peyton and they look just as cute on little Miss Maddy!

Peyton thinks he's pretty cool drinking a soda. He quickly learned that out camping we get special treats. One being he can have soda...

Another being he can have lots of marshmallows!

He rode his bike down this little hill, which was quite a thrill to him. He wiped out twice, but that didn't stop him. He ran ALL day long. He loved playing crochet,
badmiton, lasso/cowboy golf and riding his bike.

Oh and lets not forget the creek. He couldn't get enough time by the creek throwing rocks in and even wading in!

Aren't they cute? Maddy just cracks me up! She wanted to be like big brother. She absolutely LOVED camping. She walked all over the place and sat down where the sticks looked interesting to play!
We went for a drive. This tried to race us....

Yep, ran into quite few of those out on our drive! Maddy thought they were pretty cool. She'd bust out with huge laughs when she saw one. Peyton wanted to know why cows liked to camp! :-)

friends had a 4wheeler and were nice enough to let Chris take Peyton for a little ride which he liked. They also let us borrow it to get to this really cool cabin they spotted!

It was the coolest little place nestled in the woods. I could spend all summer there, even knowing there was no electricity and no running water, I could still live there all summer.
That was our trip! Apparently it rained everywhere but on us. We got a few sprinkles but it wasn't til we were packing up that it rained hard enough for us to take cover!
Wonderful photos, Kayla! You are right....that place is beautiful. It looks like you guys had a great time.
How fun! I am cracking up over the outhouse. I think back then they had lots of kids and needed two seats to make trips to the bathroom faster????? I may or may not have just made that up LOL
Great pics!
Love your photos! Feel like I got to visit, too! I miss trees so much... my favoritest photo is of Peyton with the marshmallow in his mouth!!!!
Thanks for sharing your photos! It looks like y'all had a perfectly wonderful time! :-)
Looks like you guys had a great weekend! Great pics, girl!
{BTW, "taking a duke"? That's a term I've never heard before.} =)
Fantastic pics Kayla! So glad you had fun. It looks like the kids had a blast too.
how incredibly fun!!! :) looks like you all had a great time. and what's even better is that it's near your house! gotta love that!
...and i can't wait to see you scrap those photos. :)
What a wonderful camping trip...looks like everyone had a great time!!!! Thanks for the eye opener about the outhouse....I have never thought about the 2 seats before...LOL!!!!
Great pics!!! Def. looks like a wonderful time!!
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