I'm a hoarder. If it looks like something I can alter I keep it. I bought this quite a while ago at Target in the dollar spot. It was filled with little boyish

I thought it was too cute to throw away.

So I added a few epoxy stickers and an
accordion mini. The bow looks horrible, but I gave this to my mom, who is good at bows and figured I'd let her fix it!
This adorable little boy...he's my nephew (insert big proud grin). Isn't he cute? And
thats his big sister holding him! And then a generation photo, my dad, brother holding my nephew and my grandpa!
So I blocked off my scrapbook area as the Little Miss has taken a big interest in
scrapbooking supplies. I have found ribbons,
embellies and papers in her room! Yes, she is only 15 months...Well, this is what I caught her doing a couple days ago!

Yep, I've got a climber on my hands! Guess I'm going to have to come up with something
that is a little bit taller that I can put there! I
SSSOOOO need a piece of
scrapbooking furniture so I can reorganize and not have to block her off.
Craigslist... :-) As you can see...with my little helper, I haven't gotten much time to get scrappy! :-(
The poor little miss got her first big boo boo last week. She took the glider in her bedroom head on. I was cooking dinner and still wonder if it wasn't a forced motion from a bigger helper...She's too little to tell and the bigger helper changes his story like I wash my hands!

It pretty soon looked like she had deep purple eyeshadow on. She got over it quickly as you can tell and it never seemed to bother her.
Ohmygosh, that daredevil look on her face climbing on that table. Girl, I think you're going to have your hands full! LOL Love the album, what a cute idea!
Poor minkey with the booboo eye!
Girls are climbers, aren't they?
Cute project. I'm a hoarder too, we should for Hoarders United!
Oh she has such beautiful hair!
I am a bit of a craft horder too. :)
Super cute mini album!
Jackson's a climber too. It's a regular thing to find him up on the kitchen table these days. =) Have fun!
I am having the same climbing problem, I aught Cooper with scissors and my ribbon box yesterday!! Aghhh!!!!
I am so in total love with that bottle album it's so perfect!!!!!! great hoarding makeover!!!
Kayla, that bottle album is too too precious! LOVE it. I am not a hoarder but I'm thinking I might be missing out. :)
My little red-head is a climber and it has been a constant battle of rearranging furniture, keeping him out of certain rooms, and putting things way up high. Good news? He's three and has started to settle down a bit. :p
It's good you got pictures of her first and hopefully last black eye. She is just the cutest little monkey with those sweet curls!! Love you little bottle booklet too!
Ya know, I've yet to have an eye like that in my house? *knocking on wood* But I DO have a climber and she has busted it several times today... *eyeroll* SO FAR, she's yet to climb up to all of my scrap goodies. I used to hoard lots of stuff to alter but I've actually been able to stop myself lately...mainly cause I don't have room to store it anymore. I haven't made a mini in a while but you've got me itching to now that I see/hear about all of yours!
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