Suzanne shared this new technique, photo weaving, she found
here. I thought it was a really fun different look. The package of photos I got from
Peyton's last photo shoot included 8x10's. I'm NOT an 8x10 fan for the most part. I have a few, but most of the time prefer smaller. So I figured why not give it a whirl, right?

Tammy posted a challenge over at Citrus Tree Studio to create a layout using the color combo brown, cream and blue. I thought that would be perfect for this picture.

This is a close up of the photo, to show the weaving.

A long time ago I got a
RAK from someone and included this little metal mesh circle. I sure wish I remembered who I got it from as it made a fantastic
embellie for a boy layout!
If you pull on the little tab it has my journaling:
So here it goes, some tidbits about Peyton at the age of 4:
He weights 40 pounds.
He loves dinosaurs, Alvin & The Chipmunks, Spiderman and the punching Hulk (Incredible Hulk).
He still loves Lightning McQueen.
He is very active and loves to go the park to run around and play.
He loves being outside whether it be for a walk, camping, working in the yard, playing catch, riding his get the idea.
He spelled BARN for Chris on Wednesday. He knows his alphabet and how to count to 14. He is starting to spell some, read and recognize words.
He LOVES his sister, sometimes too much.
He still doesn't like most foods and prefers to play over eat.
His favorite tv shows are World World, Tom & Jerry and Curious George.
Peyton is such a joy and happy boy. He brightens my days and is so much fun.
He is continually cracking me up with our conversations. Some recent ones:
P: Mommy do you smell that?
M: No, what do you smell?
P: Bug poop.
P: Mommy, Mommy, check out my cool new trick!
M: Oh, cool, whats your new trick?
P: The air goes in my ears and out my mouth!
M: Thats a pretty neat trick!
P: Mommy, can we go to Grandpa and Grandma GG's?
M: No, sorry buddy, not today (yes, this is a daily question).
P: Are they closed? (Peyton thinks that if he can't go they are closed, like a store is closed, it cracks me up)
There was a Parade this weekend and quite the festivities going on. Man, can this town put on a parade! It was an hour long! hour! Peyton's favorite part...the candy (go figure). Maddy seemed to enjoy the animals and LOVED waving at everyone going by. My favorite part...the sanitary company flipped trash cans over and put them on wheels and used them as drums. It was pretty neat to see them marching and creating a fun little beat.

It was pretty darn warm and to cool off I pulled out the slip n slide for Peyton. He doesn't get the slide part, but had fun running through it. Yep he's in his
skivs again. I told him to take off his tank top. I turned around and he had his shorts off too!