I feel like all we do is run, run, run! We have Madeline on a 3 hour feeding schedule and each feeding time takes about an hour (nursing and pumping). Then with Peyton here we go back to the Ronald McDonald House so we are making a lot of trips back and forth. I'm ready to just spend all day in the NICU with my Maddy and not have to leave or have people in and out! lol....Madeline is doing great! She had her first footed outfit on today and is a little houdini! She can get her arm out of the sleeve quicker than quick and always slips one foot out and in between the snaps! She is still eating good. Still not sure when we'll be able to come home, but so far everything is going well. She needs to be eating a little more, but we are finding that we are trying to get her to eat to much as her little tummy isn't digesting it fast enough and she still has some in there when its time for her next feeding. Its quite the complicated calculating they do (figuring out how much she needs, how much she gets, how much to giver her, etc), I can't seem to quite grasp it fully enough to repeat it!
We were given a pass to Kiddoz Play Center here in Bend. We took Peyton their after lunch. This place is fabulous! Huge room for Peyton to run to his hearts content and a couple play structures, push toys and all sorts of fun things! Although he did think it was fun to take a push car, lift it up into a boat play structure then push it down the slide when we weren't paying enough attention! lol....he didn't want to go, but we had to as it was Maddy's feeding time. He had a blast and it was just what we needed, especially me. My mood and spirit is much better this afternoon!
Well, I have a load of laundry to change and want to grab a quick snack. Before I forget to mention, the Ronald McDonald house is amazing! They have an awesome play room which Peyton just LOVES. They also have washer and dryers for us to use along with laundry detergent! They have tons of food and a nice kitchen for us to use. The people who work here have amazing hearts and have been so friendly and helpful. We received a quilt (I'll post pics later) along with stuffed animal for both Peyton and Madeline! We are so greatful for them allowing us to stay here. They are a 5 min. from the NICU and have a golf cart that we can use to go back and forth!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Moving Locations
Just a quick update. Baby Madeline has been doing very well and eating like a champ. We are moving out of the hospital today and over to the Ronald McDonald House. We are hoping to get a good update from the baby's doctor today that will give us a good idea on what our time line looks like.
Baby Quilt
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for all your support and prayers. Also a HUGE thank you to both Chris's and my parents. They have been a life saver and tremendous amount of help by taking care of Peyton since we've been in the hospital. Thank you also to Community First and all its employs for all their support! They have been treating Chris fabulous and allowing him to take time off that is really needed. I couldn't make it through all this without Chris by my side.
A lot have asked what Peyton thinks of his little sister. He wasn't sure what to think at first. We finally convinced him to hold her hand and she squealed (I think he squeezed her to tight). That scared him and he wanted to go back to my room and play. The second time in he asked to see her and touch her and talked to her nice and softly. He also blew her kisses....such a sweetie he is! Here some more pictures!
A lot have asked what Peyton thinks of his little sister. He wasn't sure what to think at first. We finally convinced him to hold her hand and she squealed (I think he squeezed her to tight). That scared him and he wanted to go back to my room and play. The second time in he asked to see her and touch her and talked to her nice and softly. He also blew her kisses....such a sweetie he is! Here some more pictures!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Here are a couple pictures we got this morning! She is such a great baby, hardly cries and very alert with open eyes lookin' at ya! She loves to look at her Papa (Chris). Chris got to hold her for the first time this morning too! She is still doing wonderful (doesn't need help breathing, hasn't at all actually, can regulate her own temperature, etc).

Madeline Marie DuPont
Monday, January 26, 2009
Good Drugs!
I got my epidural a while ago and man am I lovin' it. Still only dilated to a 5, guess there is a little band hangin' in there. The nurse things once it goes that I should dilate fairly quickly! Crossing my fingers that things start picking up! Baby is doing excellent so far!
Not much change! Ugghh....I'm getting cranky, lol.....I'm hungry and tired and ready to get to the next step! I'm not an in-between person so it's taking all the patience I have to patiently wait! They've upped my inducing medicine some, so hopefully that will work!
I had a blood test this morning and due to the results the dr. though it best to induce me (to high of chance of infection for baby and me if we don't). I started petocin at 8:45, so its just another waiting game for when the contractions pick up. They've started me at the lowest dose and are upping it every so often.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The test results came back that baby's lungs are not yet fully developed. So they are going to keep monitoring and let things take their course. If the baby comes, she comes, if not then hopefully she will fully develop before delivery.
New Poll
We thought of a new name to add to our poll. Please vote for your favorite. Sorry there is not very much time left.
Water Broke
I went to Redmond Hospital today and found out that my water broke during the night. They have sent me to Bend to have my cerclage removed and have the baby. We are now waiting for the doctor to come talk to us. Will up date when I know more info.
Rough night
I had a rough rough night last night. I was up a lot and couldn't sleep very well or comfortably. I almost called the doctor in the middle of the night. I took an extra pill to stop contractions and that seemed to calm things down and I was able to get a couple hours of sleep. I'll probably call in today to see what they have to say. Just hoping today goes better!
Friday, January 23, 2009
To all those scrappers that read my blog, I came across another fun blog that is offering a Chatterbox mini album kit! Check it out at: http://creatinginreallife.blogspot.com/ . All ya gotta do is leave a comment!
Good news!
My doctor just stopped by. I haven't dialated anymore, WAHOO!!! I'm able to go home, if I want, after my shot at 2. I'll be on meds to help control contractions. I am still having numerous smaller ones, but I don't feel them and they don't seem to be causing me to dialate more. The medicine has cut back the larger contractions a ton.
Little Update
My nurse just came in and put the monitor on for baby. By the time she took my other vitals, baby had passed her test. But she has to monitor baby for 20 min. anyways. My Doctor is in a surgery then should be over to see me. Since I'm handling the meds so well, I may be able to go home on the meds (guess some don't handle it very well at all). She did mention that if I go home I'll be on bed rest and really doubted that Doctor would be okay with Peyton staying home with me. Not overly sure what we are going to do about that, but I'm sure something will work out!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Here we go again....
I went to my doctor for a normal check up this morning. I am 33 weeks, 3 days along today. I am 2 cm dilated and having contractions. The doctor thought it best to go ahead and get the steroid shots that help babies lungs develop in case she comes early. It's a two step shot, the second one being given 4 hours later. I'm also on medicine to help stop the contractions. They seem to be working okay, so we'll see! I'll try to keep the blog updated as much as possible!
Any prayers and positive thougts would be greatly appreciated.
Any prayers and positive thougts would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Crops and more crops!!!!!
If you haven't ever done an on-line crop you should give it a try! They are so much fun! I always seem to get quite a few layouts done and can never resist going for the great prizes and RAK's!
This coming weekend January 23rd-25th Scrap 4 Life (http://scrap4life.com/) is having a crop! Scrap 4 Life is a friendly group that welcomes all scrapbookers at all levels!
Next weekend Saturday Jan. 31st to Feb. 1st (Super Bowl weekend) Citrus Tree (http://www.citrustreestudio.com/) is having a crop. Citrus Tree is a newer site that I have really been enjoying! Would love for you to join us!
Gotta throw a picture of Peyton in....We have become big fans of Guitar Hero. Even Peyton likes to join in!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Names, names, names
With Peyton it seemed that we instantly knew what we wanted to name him, it was an easy choice. I had a boys name that I really liked and Chris really liked, but that doesn't do us much good, huh?!?!?! We've come up with three names we like. Adeline (nickname Addy), Alexandria (nickname Alex) and Paige. I've created a poll on the right hand side of the screen to see what others think! We are still open to names if anyone has any suggestions!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Layout!
Here is a layout I finished last night for Tammy's Art Inspiration Challenge at Citrus Tree.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Potty Traning and Names
Chris came up with an idea that we thought would be great for helping potty train Peyton. He has been begging to go over to his Grandpa & Grandma GG's (Chris's Grandparents). Chris told him only big boys that go peepee in the toilet get to go. Peyton was all for that idea and ran to the bathroom and sat on his little toilet for some time with no luck. The idea somewhat works as he asks to go potty, he just fails to tell us BEFORE he goes. He tells us right after he goes. Urrghh....I'm think he understands the concept but struggles with the 'gotta-go' urge and letting us know before he goes. Any suggestions anyone? He really wants to go over to his GG's house so I think that if we keep it up it may eventually work. I'm thinking about giving him a big cup of juice, parking him on the potty and taking our portable DVD player in their until he goes in the toilet. lol....
We've come up with another name or two we are considering. But are always up for more suggestions. Here is what we have: Alexandria (nickname Alex), Adeline (nickname Addy) and Paige (thanks for that suggestion Arlinda!).
Here is a layout I've had done for a while, just couldn't come up with a creative title. I finally gave up and just put 'Snow Day!' and called it good.
We've come up with another name or two we are considering. But are always up for more suggestions. Here is what we have: Alexandria (nickname Alex), Adeline (nickname Addy) and Paige (thanks for that suggestion Arlinda!).
We are finally feeling better at our house! Peyton is sure back to his perky, full-of-it self running wild! I think he was so happy to be feeling better that he couldn't stop running for 3 days! I'm feeling tons better. But still have to sleep with a bunch of pillows under my head, so needless to say I wake up with a kink in my neck and a back!
Here is a layout I've had done for a while, just couldn't come up with a creative title. I finally gave up and just put 'Snow Day!' and called it good.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Fun, Fun, Fun
Scrap 4 Life is having a Cyber Crop January 23rd - 25th. If you haven't ever participated in one, they are a blast and Scrap 4 Life is wonderful site to get started! Check it out at Scrap4life.com . 

Feelin' Better
Well Peyton is sure feeling better! I got him all dressed and ready to go, as I wanted out of the house for a bit. Next thing I know his shoes and socks are off. Then came the pants and little jacket. Now he is running around wild with only his diaper and t-shirt! So much for leaving the house! Me, on the other hand, just needs to be put out of my misery! haha....

I don't have much to share scrappy wise as I haven't been at my scrap table much lately. My camera's been broken since before Christmas so I don't have that many pictures either. Here is one I just stole from my parents. Jazzy and Peyton played dress up at Mema's house.
Peyton push his car and chase Jazzy while she rode the bike!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I finished this layout a few days ago, but just got around to uploading and editing it. I bought this paper through my Memory Works company. I have fallen in love with it, its ssooo pretty. It is My Minds Eye Peaceful theme. I still have two pieces of paper to the set and some die cuts that I can't wait to use. I could really get addicted to the Say It In Crystals by Prima (the rhinestone flourish). 
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for a new week!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Mom, Peyton and I took off for Redmond and Bend yesterday in search of fabric for the baby quilt. I am so excited! My amazingly talented mom is making a baby quilt for little girl on the way. She made one for Peyton that I just love and can't wait to see how this one comes out. While at the quilt store in Redmond mom spotted a really cool quilt partially done that is close to the pattern I had chosen but SSSOOO much better! We also found the two main fabrics! They are much brighter than the original fabric we chose, but I'm lovin' it. I can't wait to share it with you all!
While in Bend we were able to meet up with my Aunt Sherry for a quick bite to eat. It was so nice to visit with her for a bit. We also stopped by Carters to see if they had any good sales going on. Kimmy, you'll be happy to know mom and I found few really cute pink outfits! lol.....I figured that with baby due in a couple months I should at least have a few girly outfits for her. It was a lot of fun! Peyton was too darn cute. He wanted to help shop for his baby sister so he'd pull something off of a rack, bring it to me and say 'Look, Mommy, look! Isn't it cute?' and 'Aww...how cute'. He's going to be such a great big brother!
Some exciting news...I am the featured member on Scrapbook Dreamer (www.scrapbookdreamer.com)! I was shocked to receive the e-mail saying I'd been chosen! This was my first site that Tammy got me hooked on and I have really enjoyed how friends and uplifting all the members are!
While in Bend we were able to meet up with my Aunt Sherry for a quick bite to eat. It was so nice to visit with her for a bit. We also stopped by Carters to see if they had any good sales going on. Kimmy, you'll be happy to know mom and I found few really cute pink outfits! lol.....I figured that with baby due in a couple months I should at least have a few girly outfits for her. It was a lot of fun! Peyton was too darn cute. He wanted to help shop for his baby sister so he'd pull something off of a rack, bring it to me and say 'Look, Mommy, look! Isn't it cute?' and 'Aww...how cute'. He's going to be such a great big brother!
Some exciting news...I am the featured member on Scrapbook Dreamer (www.scrapbookdreamer.com)! I was shocked to receive the e-mail saying I'd been chosen! This was my first site that Tammy got me hooked on and I have really enjoyed how friends and uplifting all the members are!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Caardvarks Holiday hop Day 2
Welcome! If you've come to my site from Jennifer's blog great! If not make sure to head over to the beginning of the blog hop, Caardvarks Blog, so you don't miss any eye candy.

I have to say, I am getting completely addicted to the Creative Cuts & More boxes and bags. I am having so much fun with them. There are so many to choose from. As if the large variety wasn't enough to keep me busy there are all sorts of options such as color, smooth cardstock, bling cardstock, acetate and so on!
This is the Acetate Cake Slice Box. This was so quick and easy. I used Killer Red Tacky Tape (which CC&M has an excellent deal on ) to adhere the box together. I was hoping to find Christmas M&M's or make caramel corn to fill it, but time just didn't allow it. You could put all sorts of goodies in it. I think these make a perfect gift for co-workers, friends, your childs teacher or for pretty much anybody!
Now on to the ever so talented Lila.
Make sure to check out the Creative Cuts & More store. They are offering a 15% Shopping Discount for our readers. Enter holidayhop2009 at checkout. Discount good from November 1st - 4th.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Chris is outside braving the wind to take the lights down. Peyton is watching Jungle Book 2 and I just got done starting a load of laundry, a load of dishes and making cookies!
Hope everyone had a wonderful evening last night and enjoying a day of rest today! We are still struggling a little at our house (me with my cold and Peyton with his bronchitis). But Peyton seems to be doing somewhat better! YEAH!
Chris is outside braving the wind to take the lights down. Peyton is watching Jungle Book 2 and I just got done starting a load of laundry, a load of dishes and making cookies!
Hope everyone had a wonderful evening last night and enjoying a day of rest today! We are still struggling a little at our house (me with my cold and Peyton with his bronchitis). But Peyton seems to be doing somewhat better! YEAH!
Caardvarks Holiday Hop Day 1
Welcome! If you've come to my site from Jennifer's blog great! If not make sure to head over to the beginning of the blog hop, Caardvarks Blog, so you don't miss any eye candy.

Have you started drooling over the fantastic cards you've seen so far? I sure have!
I used a Purse Card with Gift Certificate layer from Creative Cuts & More. We have had gloomy weather here and I haven't been able to get good lighting for a good picture. I have a random polka dot stamp that I inked up in red and created a depth to the card. I adhered a few embellies and tied a couple pieces of ribbon onto it. Easy as that! Gift cards have become quite popular Christmas gifts. I think this card is a fun way to give them!
Here is a shot of the inside. The die cut comes with the inside layers, one of which has slots for the gift card!

Have you started drooling over the fantastic cards you've seen so far? I sure have!
I used a Purse Card with Gift Certificate layer from Creative Cuts & More. We have had gloomy weather here and I haven't been able to get good lighting for a good picture. I have a random polka dot stamp that I inked up in red and created a depth to the card. I adhered a few embellies and tied a couple pieces of ribbon onto it. Easy as that! Gift cards have become quite popular Christmas gifts. I think this card is a fun way to give them!
Now on to the ever so talented Lila.
Make sure to check out the Creative Cuts & More store. They are offering a 15% Shopping Discount for our readers. Enter holidayhop2009 at checkout. Discount good from November 1st - 4th.
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