We have had a busy busy week. Tuesday and Thursday were gymnastics for Peyton. I'm getting really annoyed with my camer as this keeps happening when I try to get pictures of him during his class:

Wednesday was the summer library program.

As you can see, both kids enjoyed it.

Wednesday was also the cattle run for the Round-Up (a big event here where I live). A herd of cows is herded down the main street.

The time was printed wrong in the advertising, so we ended up waiting almost 2 hours to watch. I debated going home, but had never watched one so I wanted too. I was expecting big bulls and had to laugh at the calves running down the street. The first side street they could, the herd took off. Once turned stopped and back on track they did okay for a block till they found a gas station and fast food restaurant to wander through. lol....

Friday I took the kids down to the park where they had bouncy houses and different activities for the kids. Peyton LOVED the blow up maze.

Both kids enjoyed the bouncy house.

We also stopped by Chris's work for their customer appreciation bbq. They had rodeo princesses, queens and the rodeo clown there.
Peyton was so tuckered out that he fell asleep on our way out of town to my Mother-in-laws birthday bbq. He chose to wear his costume. :-)

Saturday was the Round Up parade. Maddy cracks me up in this picture. Its totally her...yelling something.

Then turning around and giggling with exciting over what she sees!

These people were pretty cool. Can you imagine standing on those horses like that? They were the rodeo entertainment that we watched Saturday night.

I saw my dream car...well, almost my dream car. Mine will be a convertible! ;-)

Peyton and Maddy had fun collecting candy. Although Maddy would grab one piece, take it back to her bag, then go back for more, which was all gone by the time she got back. haha! She also ate it as fast as she could collect it!

Both kids thought the rodster cars, the big trucks horns and the sirens were too loud!

There were bagpipes on. LOVE bagpipes!

This is my favorite part of the parade. The local sanitary service company converts their trash cans into drums and beats on them as they walk down the road. They do such a great job and its so much fun to listen and watch them.

Later in the afternoon we took the kids to the carnival. I had total sticker shock! My word has carnival prices gone up! Wowza.....Sissy was disappointed that she couldn't go with Buddy. But he really enjoyed the roller coaster.

Peyton also got to play a couple games. He popped a balloon on his first try!

The gal at the pond was very nice and let Maddy pretend she was playing the game while Peyton was.

After the carnival we headed to the rodeo. Can you say 'cotton candy?' What a HUGE mess that was. Thank goodness I brought a bunch of wipees.

This is what you get when you sit in the front row...

We sat their as we thought it easy access to escape if the kids acted up and it was just easier with the kids. I didn't think about all the people walking in front of us. I love rodeos. I wish we could have stayed longer, but the kids were ready to go home.

Luckily we were able to watch the show before we headed for home.