I feel like I have been in a tail spin the last month or two. Seems like I can't catch my tail! ;-)
We headed to my hometown for the County Fair. We went with my mom, nephew and niece.
This kids had a blast on the pony rides.
They also enjoyed the animals (even on the second round through the animal barns) and the carnival.
The following week there were the swim lessons. It was a 4 days a week, two week program. Peyton refused to participate. Up to the point of walking in the aquatic center. So I opted to enroll them in swim lessons in my home town, 45 min. away where I know he was comfortable.
Odd enough, he did GREAT the first week and it was Miss Maddy who struggled a bit. I heard Maddy tell her instructor 'no'! Yes, my little spit fire wasn't about to do something she didn't want to do.
I have to say, that I was extremely impressed with both instructors. They were fantastic and worked so well with the kids. Since it was a good little drive, I stayed at my parents house, just up the street from the pool, a few nights each week.
One weekend we took off to Peyton's teacher's, who became my friend, wedding. It was in a itty bitty town way out in the middle of no-where. The COOLEST place! Seriously, would love to live there.
The next weekend Chris wanted to camp at one of our favorite places, Walton Lake, for his birthday. We went with some of our friends that have kids our age. SO much fun! The kids had a blast and so did us adults.
Peyton has his bug replant bracelet around his head like a headband. haha!
Not sure why Maddy has no clothes on or what she is doing. But the picture cracks me up.
Doesn't he look sexy with a little pink pole? Haha...such a good Daddy helping miss Maddy untangle her line.
While out camping, Chris all of a sudden said 'check out those sheep'. We all turned to see hundreds of sheep being herded by. The kids were pretty impressed. Me on the other hand, was having a panic attack for the sheep herder. What if he lost a sheep? What if a animal came in after them at night....what if? haha!
We took a little drive to Allen Creek Reservoir one day. SO much fun ! LOVE this place! It is a bit rough to drive in too. I wouldn't do it in anything but something with 4WD. But man is it nice. I even took a swim!
The following weekend there was the Willamette Country Music Festival. We have such a BLAST. We already reserved our spots for next year.
Unfortunately Chris's cousin wasn't able to make it this year. But my brother and sister in law were. :) I love spending time with them and was so glad to hear they had so much fun that they want to go back again next year!
Below is a view of the stage behind the huge crowd. That stage was HUGE too! Way too many people for me. I didn't get anywhere near the stage. I get crowd-phobia. So I hang out in the back!
Directly following the music festival was Chris's family reunion. Oh how we look forward to these family reunions. I love his family to pieces.
Chris's cousin was in charge of adult games. One game she planned was similar to the Newlyweds game. Chris wrote this sign when I was gone answering questions. Haha! It says 'My contract with John ******** already expired'. It is a joke between Chris and I that my dad payed him to marry me. The sign brought quite a few chuckles.

We came back home and luckily Chris had a few days vacation left. I took off Friday morning garage saling and hit a jack pot. The gal at this garage sale used to be a Mary Kay Rep. She isn't one any longer and wanted to liquidate her product. She was selling everything for 25 cents a piece! :-0 Say what? Yes...brand new product, for 25 cents a piece. I spent $10.50 on all of this. That is 2 powders, 10 pressed powder foundations, 3 foundations, 2 compacts for the foundations, 22 eye shadow compacts, 3 brushes, one liquid eye shadow, 2 sets of suntan lotion and after suntan lotion and a TON of free samples! I added it up to over $380 worth of product! Now...I am not a make up fan, don't hardly wear foundations, but couldn't resist this opportunity!
That is somewhat of a recap of my last week or two. I have a handful of layouts to share so check back! My biggest apologies for not posting more frequently. But what can I say, life happens! :-)