This weeks challenge at The Paper Variety is to create a cute or spooky Halloween project. Like I said in my last post, I struggle with Halloween. I have a hard time scrapbooking it. Even worse, I just can't seem to get into it.
That being said, here is a layout from last years Halloween using some old Basic Grey goodies.

I used a fantastic sketch by Heather Landry.

Now for a little photo catch-up. Two weekends ago we spent the weekend with my brother and sister in-aw. We had SO much fun! Saturday morning we went to a Fall Festival.
The kids thought the huge crates of apples were pretty cool. They would have climbed in if we let them!
Miss Maddy....our little princess was quite content with the chapstick her aunt gave her and her little purse. And yes....she sat there for a LONG time with the chapstick! Whatever it takes to keep her happy and content! ;-)
We started up gymnastics again. This time Maddy is in a Mommy & Me class right before Peyton's class. I thought she would LOVE it as she is always trying to join in Peyton's class. I was wrong. She did NOT participate in warm ups at all and would only do what she wanted to do. This picture just cracks me up! Look at her face!
She will do the beams and bar for a bit, but again, loses interest quickly.
Peyton has been participating in something called Run Club at school. He was very proud last week when he came home with this necklace. He has ran 5 miles!
And a little close up of the necklace.

Now for a little photo catch-up. Two weekends ago we spent the weekend with my brother and sister in-aw. We had SO much fun! Saturday morning we went to a Fall Festival.

That is it for me today! Thank you for stopping by!