Man has this been one crazy busy summer! I've been gone more than I've been home the last couple of weeks! Friday morning we took off for the Willamette Country Music Festival. We were blessed to be able to access three sets of Grandparents in order to be gone almost 4 days! :-0 Nothing like passing them off the kids three times in one day! They had a blast and were spoiled as usual!
We took off Friday morning with Chris's cousin and her husband with the trailer in tow. A few hours later we arrived at the event. This was our first year going so we weren't really sure what to expect. We were greeted and told to stay on the path and watch out for the ditches so we don't get stuck. :-0 I tried to get a picture out the window and this is what I got!

Are you liking that angle?
haha! This is pretty much where it was located. A huge field mowed down!

We were trying to figure out where our camp spot was. We really liked ours. In the very back and nobody behind us or beside us!

Once set up we did a little relaxing before the events got started.

And a little sunning....

Here we are, ready to roll on the first night! Left to right is our cousin Heidi, Milton, me and Chris!

Did I mention we were way in the back? It was a bit of a walk to the event. But that is okay with us. We only had to cross one ditch and that was actually quite entertaining! There were over 1000 camp spots!

We dubbed this guy Papa Smurf.
heehee... He was quite a flirt and asked quite a few of us girls to dance.

The concerts didn't start until 2
ish. It was upper 80's to lower 90's so we hung out in the shade quite a bit.

Upon entrance, the Marines had a booth set up. You could win a shirt if you did 26 pull ups (for a guy) or hang there with your chin above the bar for 70 seconds. Chris got me to try it and I'm proud to say, I won a shirt! And a nice shirt at that! :-) I was a little embarrassed stepping on the
Marine's let to reach the bar. But like Chris said, that he wouldn't be a marine if I hurt him stepping on him real quick.

There were TONS of people!

Group picture again!

I don't know who the guy in the white shirt on the right was. But he was cracking us up as I was taking pictures! Chris started a civil war chant war. It got LOUD!

I think this is the only picture of the two of us we got the whole time!

Chris was a fantastic chef, cooked us breakfast burritos and he and Milton made a excellent chicken and stir fry!

We played some cards and 10,000.

One last crazy shot on the last night.

I'm not sure what we were doing...but we were having fun!

The last day was SUPER hot! See the line of outhouses. YUCK! YUCK YUCK!

This was our view from the beer garden. Not a great one, but the crowds were HUGE and this was closer than if we were in the general area.
We saw Diamond Rio, Steve Azar, Phil Vassar, Alan Jackson, Amy Clawson, Little Big Town and Blake Shelton! Yep...jam packed weekend full of music and fun! So much fun we've reserved our camp spot for next year already!
My stomach ACHED by the second day from laughing so hard. So many memories, so much fun! Thanks to my hubby and cousins for such a weekend!
This looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing pictures :)
Oh Kayla-it looks like you guys had so much fun! :)
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