I am having a BLAST doing
Project 12! If you aren't familiar with it, check it out, its never to late to play along! This is my layout for February!

The fabulous Cosmo Cricket gang was so kind to send me the new Salt Air Paper Crafting Kit! It was PERFECT for this layout! Sadly I didn't get many photos in Feb. Mostly cruise pictures.

How perfect is that tag?!?! Most of the buttons are Cosmo Cricket Togetherness buttons, but I added a few from my stash also.

I'm loving circles these days! :-) I used two different thicknesses of pop dots to help layer the buttons!

A close up of the left page...It was hard to choose photos, so I opted to crop a few really small from different 'favorites' from our trip. Chris's meal of the whole trip, our tequila tasting, we played tons of cribbage (I whooped Chris pretty good!!!) and
bartering for

The right page. I had LOTS Of
journaling this month and could have had more!
haha! I love the picture of Maddy rocking her baby singing to it. Give her a marker and I swear 30 seconds later its all over her. I did journal about Peyton too. I didn't totally leave him out of the picture! ;-) He is sounding out words really well and shocking me in what he's reading when he wants too. He'll see words on advertising boards,
tv, etc and figure them out! He is also enjoying chapter books and often asks me to read them to him at night.
A friend of mine recently had a procedure/surgery done. I wanted to send her a 'speedy recovery' card. I had a card saved to my inspiration file on my
netbook and thought it just perfect! The card was created by the fabulously talented
Jan Tatomir! This is also for
The Paper Variety Challenge, which was to create a get well card!

I used papers from the March
Birds of a Feather Kit. The Kraft paper, rhinestones and
SRM sticker were from my stash. But the other papers came from the kit or add-

Its hard to see, but the white paper is embossed! SUPER COOL paper and its in the kit! :-) A side note, I bought the Martha Steward Classic Butterfly punch at Michael's when I had a50% off coupon. About a week or two after buying it I used it and it didn't work. It was a faulty one. I e-mailed the company and they sent me a new one within a week! I was VERY impressed with their customer service! :-)
Don't forget about my Cosmo Cricket Challenge over at Scrapbook.com! The winner gets a Social Club Paper Crafting Kit sent to them directly from Cosmo Cricket AND gets to be featured on the Cosmo Cricket blog! How cool is that! Hop over and check out! You can see my post about it here:
March Cosmo Cricket Scrapbook.com Challenge.
Also, to my friends Moto and Yuko in Japan...if you happen to read this, will you e-mail me and let me know you are okay! My parents and I are worried about you and hope you are safe and okay! I tried e-mailing you, but it was returned!
Thanks for stopping by! I have a really cool new project I am super excited to share. I just need to get a good picture of it! So stay tuned!