As you walk in my front door, this is what you see:
A view from the corner of the entryway. I just LOVE the opening from the kitchen to the living room!
Here is the another shot from the corner of the living room towards the front door:
Here is my I said, pardon the mess! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hickory cabinets!
Yes we have a fridge, we just haven't gotten it there yet. Can I say Craigslist ROCKS! We found a KILLER deal on a stainless steal fridge on Craigslist. It was the style (french double door with freezer on bottom) that I didn't think we'd be able to get on our budget...but we did!
Another view of my kitchen:
Side note, why on the world would you put in a white sink when all your appliances are stainless steel? Yes, the sink may be brand new....but its going to be changed out in the near future (near as in a!
This would be our eentsy weentsy dining area...haha! I'm anxious to see our new (well new to us cause I like Craigslist WAY to much!) table in this area!
That doorway leads to a hall. If you hook a right it takes you to our bedroom and if you go straight there is a powder room, laundry and door to the garage.
Peytons room before we started painting:

Now are ya ready for this one? You may call us may say 'what in the world were you thinking', you may say 'are you crazy', you may say 'poor kids'....haha!
Peytons room:

Maddy's room:
The purple doesn't show up all so well in the pictures, but it looks FABULOUS in real life!
Peytons room before we started painting:
Maddy's room before painting:
Now are ya ready for this one? You may call us may say 'what in the world were you thinking', you may say 'are you crazy', you may say 'poor kids'....haha!
Now are you sure you are ready for this?
Okay, here it is....
These are the kids rooms part way through the paint. We'll be putting white chair railing up between the two colors.
Peytons room:
Maddy's room:
See, I wondered if you'd be ready! haha! It took me a lot longer than I thought to scrub the bathrooms, vacuum the base boards and carpets and where they meet, and wipe down the cupboards in the kitchen and other rooms. Chris painted most of the day and put up shelving in the pantry and got the garage door opener up. More work tomorrow and then hopefully we'll be ready for our big move next week!
So there ya got it. More pictures!
Now for those of you looking for scrapbooking related worries. I have a few posts up my sleeves so check back soon! Make sure you stop by on the 8th. I'll be participating in a fun blog hop!
It's gorgeous! I love the kids rooms too!
Looking good! I love those fun colors! Have fun decorating!!! and the hubs have accomplished SO MUCH in so little time!! Your new home is beautiful!!! Honestly...I love every bit of it! Those hickory cupboards are to die for and I love all of the light in the livingroom w/the nice! The kids rooms are so fun & bright w/the 2 colored walls. Great stuff, Kay. Thanks so much for sharing! :)
WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Congrats Chica, LOVE your oh-so-beautiful house and the faboo paint job!!! Can't wait to see what else you do with it! Have a safe and happy move!
WOW! Gorgeous. I totally don't think you are crazy...Marlee had the same colors as Maddy in her nursery:) Love that combination. Seriously beautiful home. You will be sooo happy there.
Crazy? More like crazy awesome!!
Love the colors. how fun!
Love that you shared some pics. That you took some pics! you are awesome.
Love those kitchen cabinets. I need to try Craig's list. I'll let you know what I find. Maybe some theater chairs for the bonus room!!
See our house going up here..
We move in end of this month... woohoo!
Love it!! You have done SO much already!! But is is SO smart to paint BEFORE you move in.. wish we had...
Love the kithen and don't understand the sink ours is black.. NOW, on the tile counter... try to maybe RESEAL it again... just in case the contractor didn't do a good job!
Love the house! I love the kids rooms and I love your kitchen and the cabinets. Hoping it is your last move to for awhile. Enjoy your new home.
Your house is beautiful!!! I love the kitchen and the kids' rooms look great! Try to relax and enjoy it all!
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