Here is Maddy's room. I can't tell you how much I am LOVING the purple and green! I have big plans for decorating, but unfortunately don't have easy access to stores to shop for what I want. Who knew that it would be hard to find inexpensive white square frames. Or just square frames for that matter as I could paint them! is here! :)
Anywho, here is Miss Maddy's room:

There is still a little bit of rearranging to do. I'm debating switching the placement of the crib and the dresser, I feel like the chair is out of place. Or maybe I'll move the stuffed animals to the opposite corner and put the chair there. We'll see. I'll have to just move it and see I guess.

Here is another view. The ball pit is a lot bigger than I thought it was. but
thats okay I guess, the kids love it. Often you find Peyton in Maddy's room playing in the ball pit and Maddy in
Peytons room playing with his cars!
Next up in Mr.
Peytons room. This is how we had it painted in our last house. I still love it and so does he. I think I've talked him out of the Punching Hulk (The Incredible Hulk) and into dinosaurs. We've been watching lots of Land Before Time and picking up dinosaur books at garage sales.

I still have lots to do in
Peytons room. The furniture is pretty much where its going to be (I think...
haha). But I need to figure out toy organization and decorations for his room. There is random clutter I still need to deal with too, as you can see around the

Here is our bonus room. The couch didn't make it up to the room and I don't think it will. As you an tell, I'm in desperate need for another piece of
scrapbooking furniture. Something to help contain my stuff.

The coffee table is now a blocker to prevent Maddy from turning the
tv on and off and opening the drawers and smashing her fingers in it.
This is a picture shortly after we moved in from the top of the stairs into our living room.

And here it is now:
I have a much smaller amount of stuff in the corner. It is awaiting my mom to help me go through it. Some of it is pictures and decor to hand and I just can't decide where I want it. I don't want to poke a bunch of holes in the walls till I know where I want it.
So there you have it! Our bedroom is coming along also. I feel like I push stuff from one area to another. Our Direct TV guy came out to set up a new box for us and needed to get into the crawl space. I just laughed...the crawl space is in the closet under the stairs that is JAM PACKED full of 'I don't know what to do with' stuff!
My garage sale pile is growing by leaps and bounds. Lots of misc. stuff that I am finally letting go of. A velvet pillow with beads that I just LOVE and have moved I don't know how many times but goes with NOTHING I have! Stuff like that!
I was able to finish up a project for an upcoming Creativee Cuts and More blog hop. I also finished up a layout for next months challenge over at Scrap A Little. Check back soon and I'll try to get sneak peeks up!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!