Hello All! First off, I want to apologize for yet more bad pictures. I'm having a hard time finding good light in the house and figuring out my new camera.
Julie over at Cosmo Cricket recently posted about quilts. It got me to reminiscing about my quilting and quilts that I have. One summer while I was home from college working I got the itch to make a quilt. I spent time at work doodling on grid paper and came up with a design (Shh...don't tell my parents, who I worked for, haha!). This is what I ended up with:
Chris (before we got together) was working at a mail and copy center I used to get my photos onto fabric. I remember walking in and thinking he was kinda cute! Now, we had known of each other a long time, but I knew his brother better and he knew my cousin better! Anyhow, that was the start of Chris and me meeting, so the quilt has extra special meaning to me!
Next is this pretty quilt:
My senior year of high school, my mom was going to make me a quilt for my dorm room. My high school band was looking at doing a fundraiser to raise money for a trip we were going to take. My mom volunteered to donate the quilt for a raffle. :-( I was quite sad, but she promised to make me another quilt. Of course I hit up everyone I knew to buy tickets. One of our families good friends, who I love to pieces, ended up winning it! I was stoked that at least someone I knew and loved won it. Guess what? She gave it back to me! :-) How cool is that? So this quilt has special meaning too!
And a close up:

Now onto Cosmo Cricket. Julie has beem posting challenges the past three weeks. Every project created for and linked to her challenge counts as $5 to a good cause. How cool is that? I think that is such a generous and kind thing to do! I have played along the last two weeks and wanted to play along this week. Julie challenged us to create a project using the color yellow. You can use whatever Cosmo Cricket products you have (fabric, papers, etc). I started out trying to make a card. I wasn't so happy with it....
Now onto Cosmo Cricket. Julie has beem posting challenges the past three weeks. Every project created for and linked to her challenge counts as $5 to a good cause. How cool is that? I think that is such a generous and kind thing to do! I have played along the last two weeks and wanted to play along this week. Julie challenged us to create a project using the color yellow. You can use whatever Cosmo Cricket products you have (fabric, papers, etc). I started out trying to make a card. I wasn't so happy with it....
So I decided now would be a good time to make the kindle cover I had been wanting to make. I just so happened to have some yummy Cosmo Cricket fabrics on hand. I originally got the idea to make this cover on Pinterest. But seeing as I living in a itsy bitsy little itty bitty town and not being able to find the products she used, I ended up doing my own thing with what I had on hand!
Here it is! I took an old hard back book and cut out the pages. I then took some thin batting I bought at the thrift store and hot glued it to the cover. I then hot glued the yellow fabric on top. I flipped it over and cut a piece of thin cardboard to fit inside and covered it with a coordinating fabric. Before gluing it onto the hardback book piece, I punched holes using my Big Bite and put eyelets in those holes. Thank goodness I hadn't purged all those darn eyelets that are 10 years old! haha! I then put some elastic through the eyelets and tied knots for the elastic to stay in place. The elastic I found at a garage sale over the summer in a bag of odds and ends I bought. I am pretty sure it is vintage looking at the card it came on. 6 yards for 15 cents! I then glued the inside in. The cover kept popping open. So I decided to make a closure for it. I grabbed one of Maddy's hairbands and a couple buttons and sewed them on. Here are some more photos of it:

I love that the picture above reflects my all time favorite decor piece I have made using the Cosmo Cricket Wanted line. :-)

Now the cover is kinda boring. I do plan on adding something. I am just home with two very sick little kiddos and not sure I will get time before the challenge ends and wanted to share this project!
I had a Kindle Cover, but the elastic pieces were a PAIN to get the Kindle in and out of. So I made mine quite a bit bigger and a bit looser to make it very easy to get the kindle in and out.
Now the cover is kinda boring. I do plan on adding something. I am just home with two very sick little kiddos and not sure I will get time before the challenge ends and wanted to share this project!
I love how it turned out. The hubby was quite impressed at first, then realized it was in green and yellow and decided after all he didn't like it! Haha! On that note, GO BEAVS! And in my defense, this yellow and green is TOTALLY diffferent!