We had a jam packed weekend in our household! Friday we baked some cupcakes in preps for the Little Princess's 3rd Birthday Party! Snickers cupcakes with caramel frosting. They were a hit. In enlisted the two munchkins to unwrap the snickers for me!

Friday night my Brother-In-Law and Sister-In-Law and nephew
Jaxon came by. As you can tell below, Maddy is quite taken with
Jaxon. She liked trying to get him to sit and to shake his hand.

The Little Princess was treated to a manicure and pedicure by her Aunt. She barely uttered a word there, but I could tell she was soaking it all up and loving every minute.

Here are the munchkins with their Aunt and Uncle who they love to pieces! Maddy kept snuggling up to her Aunt. It was pretty cute!

This was my first party for the kids at our latest house. We had been having them at our favorite restaurant in the past. I had been seeing lots of fun table set ups and decorations and wanted to give them a try. So I opted to have the party at my own house. I think it went well and I had a lot of fun. I just love the hubbies family and it was very nice to be able to visit and catch up with them all.

The balloon flower came from
Pinterest. As did the party favors. I took paper towel rolls and cut them into three pieces. I stuffed candy in them, wrapped them with patterned tissue paper and then tied them with wrapping ribbon. I figured this a great party favor for adults as well as as kids. We only had 4 kids total (including my two!).

The cake....Maddy fell in love with this cake when I was browsing through a local grocery stores bakery album. I thought it pretty darn cute too and ordered it. I was very impressed with the end result. It tasted pretty darn good (that coming from a non-cake fan) and looks so darn cute! The barbie did come out and is now a toy!

I told Maddy to sit down cause we were going to open presents. Peyton and their cousin sat down up front to watch the presents being opened and Maddy sat right behind them!
haha! Silly girl! She then took her place on the chair near her presents.

Since we couldn't figure out how to put the candles in the princess cake, we put them in a cupcake for her. She sat there wide eyed while we sang to her then blew out the candles like a pro!
My next task....to document what Miss Maddy is like now! She is so fun, sweet and stubborn right now. I really want to document it.
Thank you for stopping by!