Friday, January 30, 2009

Not much time!

I feel like all we do is run, run, run! We have Madeline on a 3 hour feeding schedule and each feeding time takes about an hour (nursing and pumping). Then with Peyton here we go back to the Ronald McDonald House so we are making a lot of trips back and forth. I'm ready to just spend all day in the NICU with my Maddy and not have to leave or have people in and out! lol....Madeline is doing great! She had her first footed outfit on today and is a little houdini! She can get her arm out of the sleeve quicker than quick and always slips one foot out and in between the snaps! She is still eating good. Still not sure when we'll be able to come home, but so far everything is going well. She needs to be eating a little more, but we are finding that we are trying to get her to eat to much as her little tummy isn't digesting it fast enough and she still has some in there when its time for her next feeding. Its quite the complicated calculating they do (figuring out how much she needs, how much she gets, how much to giver her, etc), I can't seem to quite grasp it fully enough to repeat it!

We were given a pass to Kiddoz Play Center here in Bend. We took Peyton their after lunch. This place is fabulous! Huge room for Peyton to run to his hearts content and a couple play structures, push toys and all sorts of fun things! Although he did think it was fun to take a push car, lift it up into a boat play structure then push it down the slide when we weren't paying enough attention! lol....he didn't want to go, but we had to as it was Maddy's feeding time. He had a blast and it was just what we needed, especially me. My mood and spirit is much better this afternoon!

Well, I have a load of laundry to change and want to grab a quick snack. Before I forget to mention, the Ronald McDonald house is amazing! They have an awesome play room which Peyton just LOVES. They also have washer and dryers for us to use along with laundry detergent! They have tons of food and a nice kitchen for us to use. The people who work here have amazing hearts and have been so friendly and helpful. We received a quilt (I'll post pics later) along with stuffed animal for both Peyton and Madeline! We are so greatful for them allowing us to stay here. They are a 5 min. from the NICU and have a golf cart that we can use to go back and forth!


momof8judy said...

So glad everyone is doing good Kayla!!! What a wonderful place you are able to stay at and be go close to Maddy!!

Unknown said...

That is so great!! You guys are awesome... I am so happy that Maddy is Healthy!


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